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Tag Archives: automobile accident

What do Traffic Accidents and Drowning Have in Common?

Believe it or not, auto accidents can lead to drowning deaths—and here in Florida, it happens more often than anywhere else in the country. It may seem at first that these two types of occurrences are unrelated, but considering the number of retention ponds, lakes, streams and other bodies of water that surround our roadways, […]

Wrong Way Driving Becoming Increasingly Problematic in Central Florida

When drivers travel against traffic on roads — particularly on highways — they are putting their own lives and the lives of all other motorists at risk. New data suggest that wrong way driving is more prevalent than we may think, especially on the 109 miles of toll roads operated by the Orlando-Orange County Expressway […]

Examining Florida’s Texting While Driving Ban

It’s been only a few months since the controversial texting while driving ban went into effect in Florida. Opponents of the legislation critiqued it from its early stages for a wide range of reasons — some argued that texting is not cited as a contributing factor in enough accidents to warrant a ban, while others […]

Voice-Activated Technology Expected to Increase Distracted-Driving Accidents

The campaign to keep drunk drivers off the road — pushing for stricter traffic laws, demanding stronger enforcement and promoting public education — finally seems to be paying off. Nationwide, there has been a 52 percent decrease in impaired-driving fatalities since 1982. However, just when the roads should be getting safer, distracted-driving accidents are increasing, […]

No-Fault Auto Insurance in Florida

Florida law allows victims of car accidents to recover damages through no-fault auto insurance. This means that no matter who or what caused the collision, you are eligible for compensation for your resulting medical expenses and lost wages. This provision allows you to pay your bills right away and often eradicates the need for a […]

What are the Most Common Car Accident Injuries?

Car accidents occur on a daily basis all over the country, and the injuries sustained from car accidents range from soft-tissue damage to catastrophic injury.  While the degree and types of injuries vary, most injuries seem to occur to the upper body:  Brain and Head Injuries: One of the most common injuries suffered by drivers […]

Recovery for Noneconomic Damages

Florida insurance law provides for no-fault coverage of some damages incurred in an auto accident. Generally, such damages are limited to lost wages and medical bills. Under some circumstances, you may be entitled to recover additional money.  Pain and suffering In addition to economic damages, many victims of auto accidents in Florida suffer noneconomic damages […]

Hit-And-Run Driver Placed in Custody

 On September 29, 2013, police arrested a man in St. Cloud, FL, after he allegedly struck a police vehicle and then fled the scene. Fifty-year-old Richard Nielsen is accused of hit-and-run of a patrol car near the intersection of Neptune Road and Old Canoe Road, injuring the police officer in the car. The officer was […]

Six Signs of a Bad-Faith Insurance Claim

Despite what their advertising campaigns may claim, insurance companies are very reluctant to pay claims. After all, the insurance companies make money by collecting and investing premiums, and not by paying claims. The bottom line is that insurance companies are only concerned with their bottom line.  If the insurance company begins to act unreasonably, bad-faith […]

Recent Changes in Your Insurance Claim

Florida residents may not be fully aware of some recent changes to the state’s no-fault insurance law. Since 1973, Florida has had a system of no-fault auto insurance, meaning that injured victims are entitled to compensation regardless of who caused the accident. The system is designed to streamline the claims and review process and quickly […]


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